Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals

Who Are We?

FUNK ‘N’ SOUL were estab­lished back in 2008 when Saman­tha, (Events Man­ag­er) was approached by her pre­vi­ous employ­er to pro­vide a 4 piece din­ner jazz band for a cor­po­rate Christ­mas func­tion. The guests were amazed by the qual­i­ty of the musi­cians and word rapid­ly spread. “When’s the next one?” peo­ple asked. Saman­tha con­tin­ued to pro­vide the live band for wed­dings and birth­day cel­e­bra­tions. She decid­ed to pro­vide a unique, tour­ing Func­tion Band (with that Some­thing “a‑lit­tle-extra”). They are made up entire­ly of 8–17 pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians who have toured the world per­fect­ing their crafts, bring­ing over 200 years of expe­ri­ence to every event!

Our musi­cians have worked with the likes of: Sylvester Stal­lone, Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger, Robert De Niro, Jamiro­quai, The Drifters, The Temp­ta­tions, The Four Tops, The Mon­keys, The Styl­is­tics and Shirley Bassey to name but a few. “Over the years, as FUNK ‘N’ SOUL, we have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to delight audi­ences all around the UK and parts of Europe, and con­sid­er nowhere too far to light up with our funky, soul­ful sounds.”

The Funk n Soul Band

We a have made a name for our­selves through our ener­gy and com­mit­ment to cre­at­ing that “buzz” & “excite­ment” required for mem­o­rable events; hav­ing the crowd danc­ing until dawn or your feet hurt – whichev­er comes first! Our sen­sa­tion­al, soul­ful and beau­ti­ful Male and Female vocal­ists will not rest until every­body is hav­ing the great­est time, they real­ly know how to get peo­ple’s soul’s danc­ing, their feet mov­ing and the par­ty going!

2023 has been a great year and as we enter a new sea­son, we are ever pop­u­lar for cor­po­rate par­ties, wed­dings and pri­vate func­tions but we are attract­ing many more requests to pro­vide full enter­tain­ment pack­ages with an after­noon Jazz / Swing set. Trios and quar­tets, with or with­out a singer are a cost effec­tive asset to any occa­sion. Funk’N’­Soul can cater to var­i­ous musi­cal tastes through­out the day or event.

Dale Gib­son — Band Leader says; “Our unchanged secret to suc­cess is hav­ing an expert­ly pro­fes­sion­al team. The band mem­bers are 100% ded­i­cat­ed, who musi­cal­ly-click and per­form with such great uni­son. I love work­ing with these cats”.

The desire to inspire is all – with a (cap­i­tal) great for per­form­ing to the par­ty crowd, tak­ing pride and great plea­sure in rein­tro­duc­ing our reper­toire of world-renowned, clas­sic trib­ute songs “LIVE” (with pre­ci­sion and ener­gy like you have nev­er expe­ri­enced before).

Vis­it our cus­tomer Tes­ti­mo­ni­als and Live Per­for­mances pages to get a glimpse of the feed­back and respons­es we have received. Call us or send a quote request.

Hir­ing the ‘Funk’N’­Soul’ com­plete pack­age is a great way to save mon­ey, time and stress at your event, avoid­ing the need for mul­ti­ple sound sys­tems, onsite tech­ni­cians and addi­tion­al per­for­mance acts!

For more infor­ma­tion or to guar­an­tee ‘Funk ‘N’ Soul’ for your next event call Tel: 07949 916 693 or email: [email protected]