Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Some venues Funk’N’Soul can recommend


Royal Arms Sutton Cheney

Derbyshire County Cricket Club

Kelmarsh Hall

Pyecombe Golf Club

Stoneleigh Abbey

Landsowne Arms London

Kenilworth Golf Club

Dunchurch Park Hotel

Windsor Theatre Royal

Waterfront Shrewsbury

Albany Club

Hilton Hotel Dartford

East Ardsley Cricket Club

Bradford Manor Golf Club

Consall Hall Consall Gardens

Luxters Barn

Hanbury Memorial Hall

Portmeirion Village Hotel

Bolton Abbey Leeds

Aston Marina


Funk‘N’Soul, per­formed at the 3aaa Coun­ty Ground as res­i­dent musi­cians for the in-house Event Organiser’s, Cor­po­rate Christ­mas Par­ty Events.
The 3aaa Coun­ty Ground, Not­ting­ham Road, Der­by, Der­byshire DE21 6DA.


Funk’N’­Soul, Per­formed here for a fab­u­lous wed­ding. Stun­ning grounds. Fan­tas­tic staff. Accom­mo­da­tion for your guests avail­able. Per­fect set­ting for a mem­o­rable occa­sion!
Tal­ton Lodge, Strat­ford-upon-Avon, CV37 8UB.


Alve­ston Pas­tures Farm is three miles south of Strat­ford-upon-Avon in the heart of the War­wick­shire coun­try­side set well back off the road in a peace­ful set­ting. Per­fect for that exclu­sive wed­ding or par­ty set­ting sur­round­ed by stun­ning grounds.
Alver­ston Pas­tures Farm, Strat­ford-upon-Avon, CV37 7RP.


Funk’N’­Soul, were enjoyed by Myton Hos­pice char­i­ty events team based at Ryton, West Mid­lands. It was a fab­u­lous din­ner and dance event. Rais­ing a sub­stan­tial amount for a wor­thy cause.
Best West­ern Plus Hotels, Wind­mill Vil­lage Hotel, Birm­ing­ham Rd, Alles­ley, Coven­try CV5 9AL.


Funk’N’­Soul, had been rec­om­mend­ed by Sun­di­al Group for a cou­ples wed­ding recep­tion at the beau­ti­ful Wood­side Hotel venue. These stun­ning grounds are set back from the small town of Kenil­worth, War­wick­shire. Per­fect for any spe­cial occa­sion.
Sun­di­al Group Venue, Wood­side Hotel, Glasshouse Lane, Kenil­worth, CV8 2AL.


This is a great venue for large events and par­ties. On this very spe­cial occa­sion Funk’N’­Soul, pro­vid­ed a full back­ing band includ­ing tight horn and string sec­tion for Detroit’s North­ern Soul Stars ‘The Broth­ers of Soul’. The leg­ends made a one off gig appear­ance at the cen­tre. 100’s ++ of North­ern Soul fans went back in time and par­tied the night away bring­ing along their vinyl to be auto­graphed. “The orig­i­nal trio of Bridges (Fred), Knight (Robert and/or Ben) and Eaton (Bob­by) became a duo of Bridges and Eaton, through an unex­pect­ed com­bi­na­tion of bureau­crat­ic bungling and med­ical neces­si­ty on the oth­er side of the pond, yet this adver­si­ty could not pre­vent a per­for­mance of leg­endary pro­por­tions. For the first time at a ‘live’ North­ern event, with the high­ly expe­ri­enced horn led rhythm sec­tion ‘Funk’N’­Soul Band’ and a local pro­fes­sion­al singer, John­ny St. John, was recruit­ed to assist with the vocals. Aug­ment­ed with a four-piece string sec­tion. The result was as close to an exact repro­duc­tion of the orig­i­nal record­ings that has prob­a­bly ever been heard on these shores, com­bined with a spine tin­gling deliv­ery that brought many tears to many eyes”.
West Indi­an and Caribbean Cen­tre, 159 Spon St, Coven­try, CV1 3BB.
Coven­try West Indi­an Com­mu­ni­ty Association

THE COTTAGE (Now known as Watchmakers Coventry)

Per­formed for the locals of Earls­don, Coven­try who real­ly dig their music scene and appre­ci­ate pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­ty musi­cians. Great night had by all. Enjoy­ing soul­ful tunes and atten­tive staff cou­pled with danc­ing crowds of peo­ple even at the bar as the venue was fit to burst!


Funk’N’­Soul, per­formed at this quaint hotel for a delight­ful wed­ding. It has charm­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics and help­ful staff. Great recep­tion area and is sit­u­at­ed per­fect­ly for all ameni­ties in and near to War­wick town cen­tre.
The War­wick Arms Hotel, High Street, War­wick, War­wick­shire, CV34 4AT.


Set on an his­toric estate, this pre­mi­um con­fer­ence hotel is per­fect for wed­dings and par­ties both around 5 miles from War­wick Cas­tle and Her­itage Motor Cen­tre. Funk’N’­Soul, per­formed as a wed­ding band for a fab­u­lous recep­tion with very atten­tive and ded­i­cat­ed staff. It was a bril­liant cel­e­bra­tion for a won­der­ful cou­ple. This hotel has a mod­ern twist to it’s pic­turesque sur­round­ings. Ameni­ties include a restau­rant, a bar, a fit­ness cen­tre, a resis­tance pool, ten­nis courts and meet­ing rooms, plus access to 35 land­scaped acres. On-site park­ing is com­pli­men­ta­ry.
Ashorne Hill, Leam­ing­ton Spa, CV33 9QW.


Funk’N’­Soul, per­formed here for a ter­rif­ic wed­ding recep­tion. The grounds are very pret­ty and ben­e­fit from mod­ern sur­round­ings for con­fer­ence meet­ings, wed­dings, par­ties and spa breaks. The holis­tic spa pro­vides ther­mal treat­ments, and there’s an 18-hole par-70 golf course and a flood­lit dri­ving range. Staff accom­mo­dat­ing and relaxed atmos­phere. Per­fect retreat.
Wyboston Lakes — Leisure & Con­fer­ence Cen­tres Of Excel­lence, Great North Road, Wyboston, Bed­ford­shire, MK44 3AL.


It is always a great plea­sure to per­form at this won­der­ful hotel. It has a full Civ­il Venue Wed­ding Licence mean­ing you can also mar­ry at this hotel. It was one of the first won­der­ful wed­dings the band were hired for 8 years ago! Staff are friend­ly and atten­tive with per­fect sur­round­ings to enjoy the views. Funk’N’­Soul, have per­formed here a hand­ful of times and it’s great­ly sit­u­at­ed for Mar­quees and deli­cious food stalls. The Charlecote Pheas­ant is sit­u­at­ed in the charm­ing vil­lage of Charlecote, just 4 miles from Strat­ford-upon-Avon. The recep­tion facil­i­ties hold up to 160 guests and fab­u­lous bed­room options for you and your wed­ding par­ty. The hotel is the per­fect choice for a rur­al wed­ding set in 4 acres of its own grounds in the War­wick­shire coun­try­side and yet has an extreme­ly con­ve­nient loca­tion just a short dri­ve from junc­tion 15 of the M40. A full Civ­il Venue Wed­ding Licence means you can also get mar­ried at this hotel.
The Charlecote Pheas­ant Hotel — Coast & Coun­try Hotels, Charlecote, Strat­ford-upon-Avon, CV35 9EW.


What a fan­tas­tic music venue this was. Many mem­o­ries for Coven­tar­i­ans with var­i­ous named acts and per­for­mances held here over the years. This was one of the first music venues Funk’N’­Soul, per­formed at 8 years ago! It was quite a sight to watch 100’s faces with jaws dropped real­is­ing what a very spe­cial bunch of musi­cians they were hear­ing. Cre­at­ing a pleas­ant change from Coven­try’s well known ska and 2tone scene. Kick­ing off with Aver­age White band’s ‘Pick Up The Pieces’ , Ste­vie Won­der’s ‘I Wish’ and Earth Wind & Fire’s ‘In The Stone’. Their accu­rate ren­di­tions seper­at­ed the hob­by play­ers to those who Sleep, Eat and Breathe the busi­ness. Great Nights!
The Old Fire Sta­tion, Hales St, Coven­try, West Mid­lands, CV1 1JA.


Funk’N’­Soul, were hired for our youngest birth­day girl to date. ‘21’ Can we get an ahh…? What a night this tru­ly was. It con­sist­ed of long term friends who were also head­ing off to var­i­ous ends of the earth trav­el­ling and uni­ver­si­ties. There was so much to be cel­e­brat­ed as well as a spe­cial birth­day. They all looked stun­ning in their ball gowns and suits and par­tied the night away to the 8 piece band. This quaint set­ting is sit­u­at­ed with­in easy reach of Coven­try, Rug­by and Leam­ing­ton Spa, on the North bank of the Riv­er Leam in the tiny vil­lage of Eathor­pe, this venue has won­der­ful views over the val­ley and is equipped to the high­est stan­dards for food prepa­ra­tion and Pow­er­point pre­sen­ta­tions through over­head video pro­jec­tion — via your own lap­top. Tables,chairs and place set­tings for up to 60 din­ers, or up to 100 for a buf­fet. A pop­u­lar venue for wed­ding recep­tions, par­ties, away-days, train­ing ses­sions, table ten­nis, film shows, and Live and Local The­atre groups.
Eathor­pe Vil­lage Hall, Main Street, Eathor­pe, War­wick­shire, Eng­land, CV33 9DE.


The Music Direc­tor and Events Coor­di­na­tor for Funk’N’­Soul, were priv­i­laged to be shown around this beau­ti­ful state­ly home in prepa­ra­tions for a ter­rif­ic wed­ding recep­tion. It was an out­stand­ing occa­sion and the grounds made for a tru­ly pic­turesque wed­ding. It was a plea­sure to work along­side the own­ers and staff on site. Stan­ford Hall is a state­ly home in Leices­ter­shire, near the vil­lage of Stan­ford on Avon and the town of Lut­ter­worth. It becomes the back­drop for your own expe­ri­ence: present your event in the splen­did ballroom…or com­bine a drinks recep­tion in the green draw­ing room with a din­ner and danc­ing in a lined mar­quee on the north lawn. Enjoy liv­ing amongst the his­toric paint­ings of the famous Stu­art col­lec­tion, play a frame of snook­er or just curl up in the library with a book in front of a crack­ling fire. Alter­na­tive­ly, explore the ancient wood­land and the free­dom of 900 acres across the estate.
Stan­ford Hall, Lut­ter­worth, Leices­ter­shire. LE17 6DH.


On this occa­sion Funk’N’­Soul, were hired for a very exclu­sive gen­tle­man’s spe­cial birth­day. Our lips are sealed! This stun­ning state­ly home venue is per­fect for the most impor­tant day of your life or cre­ate your per­fect occa­sion. West­on Park is the ulti­mate lux­u­ry wed­ding and par­ty venue. A wed­ding at West­on is espe­cial­ly mem­o­rable as the beau­ty and tran­quil­li­ty of the house and grounds leaves guests with an ever­last­ing impres­sion com­pli­ment­ed by the stun­ning back­drop of the For­mal Gar­dens and 1,000 acres of Park­land. There are 28 bed­rooms avail­able for wed­dings and par­ties that reflect the indi­vid­ual char­ac­ter of the House. Every room is fur­nished with fam­i­ly heir­looms, antique fur­ni­ture and orig­i­nal paint­ings. Adja­cent to the House is the Parish Church of St Andrews, which can be avail­able for cer­e­monies and bless­ings, alter­na­tive­ly the House is licensed for civ­il wed­dings.
West­on Park Hotel — Enter­pris­es Lim­it­ed, West­on-under-Lizard, Shif­nal, Shrop­shire TF11 8LE.


The Lans­downe Club is a Lon­don pri­vate club, which was estab­lished in 1935. Once the home of Mr Sel­f­ridge him­self. On this occa­sion it was for a tru­ly spe­cial birth­day engage­ment for a local MP. Funk’N’­Soul, were approached to pro­vide a back­ing band for a well estab­lished Michael Buble trib­ute act and have since gained many more book­ings on the back of this spec­tac­u­lar event. The Lans­downe Club is an ele­gant and roman­tic venue for your Wed­dings and Civ­il cer­e­monies. It’s tru­ly unique and their beau­ti­ful rooms are ide­al for your cer­e­mo­ny, recep­tion and din­ner dance as well as accom­mo­da­tion for your­selves and your guests, the Club offers every­thing you could be look­ing for.
The Lans­downe Club, Lon­don, 9 Fitz­mau­rice Pl, May­fair, Lon­don, W1J 5JD.

Hir­ing the ‘Funk ‘N’ Soul’ com­plete pack­age is a great way to save mon­ey, time and stress at your event, avoid­ing the need for mul­ti­ple sound sys­tems, onsite tech­ni­cians and addi­tion­al per­for­mance acts!

For more infor­ma­tion or to guar­an­tee ‘Funk ‘N’ Soul’ for your next event call Tel: 07949 916 693 or email: [email protected]