Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


“hugely talented”

“Anoth­er amaz­ing wed­ding event last night with the fab­u­lous Funk’N’­Soul, Lee and Kate’s first dance ‘You Send Me’ Gre­go­ry Porter. Per­formed for the first time by the band went down a treat to the sur­prised Bride. Guest trum­pet play­er for the evening, the huge­ly tal­ent­ed, and very nice guy.….. Bryan Cor­bett- Brand New Heavies.”

“icing on the cake”

“Thank you!!! Was a bril­liant day and Funk’N’­Soul, were the icing on the cake! Thanks Lee.”
Lee McMa­hon.

“I Can’t wait to see you guys play again”

“I Can’t wait to see you guys play again at my friends wed­ding in August.”
Adam Hall.


“Speech­less, It was brilliant!”
Yvonne Reynolds-Young.

“people are STILL commenting about you!”

“Best wed­ding ever.….although I’m slight­ly biased. You guys were so awe­some, peo­ple are STILL com­ment­ing about you!”
Michelle Cor­rin.

“please check this band out!”

Com­ing from an incred­i­ble musi­cian. “If You’re look­ing for a Mega Func­tion Band with the empha­sis on FUNK! please check this band out!” Thanks, Matt Ratcliffe.
Matt Rat­cliffe.

“Great band”

“Great band — great gui­tarist!” 🙂 Geoff
Paul Brown.

“one of the best players he ever worked with”

Com­ing from a fan­tas­tic fel­low musi­cian. “Enjoyed many years on the road with Dale Gib­son, as trum­pet play­er with the Drifters, the leg­end that was John­ny Moore, always said that Dale, was one of the best play­ers he ever worked with here or Stateside!”
Phil Lud­er­man.

“Great live entertainment”

“Bril­liant Band! Bril­liant gig at Han­bury folks, feel that groove. Spe­cial cred­it to stand-in bass play­er. Great live enter­tain­ment, table-top Hen­drix skills, great front­man. And wow Dee’s vocals.…”
Greg Colling­ham.


“Funk’N’­Soul were brilliant!”
Geral­dine Ward.

“Really enjoyed it!”

“Thank you for a great night last night! Real­ly enjoyed it!”
Heather Jack­son.

“You all made the day amazing!”

“We had the most amaz­ing and mag­i­cal day. It was over­whelm­ing to be sur­round­ed by peo­ple who we love and who had all gone to huge effort to cel­e­brate with us espe­cial­ly so close to Christ­mas. You all made the day amaz­ing! There are so many peo­ple to thank for all of their help on the lead up, on the day and after­wards. Thanks to Funk’N’­Soul, for being a fab­u­lous band and get­ting every­one danc­ing Xx”
Kate Ben­son.

“how incredible the band was”

“Thank you so much Funk’N’­Soul, for per­form­ing at our wed­ding — we had such a great time danc­ing and so many of our guests com­ment­ed on how incred­i­ble the band was. In fact, one cou­ple I know have already been in touch with you about their wed­ding next year, and anoth­er I know are hop­ing to ask you to per­form at anoth­er par­ty too! The qual­i­ty of the musi­cian­ship was absolute­ly fan­tas­tic and the guys were so great at get­ting every­one involved.”
Lib­by & Alex.

“truly wonderful performance”

“Guys you were amaz­ing last night, a tru­ly won­der­ful per­for­mance, great job, love it!!”
Gra­ham Rickets.

“taking customer service to another level”

“Dale Gib­son offered Funk’N’­Soul, with the com­plete pack­age for our wed­ding day. The DJ help­ful­ly came and set up the stage and large kit the day before and arrived in plen­ty of time on the day to com­plete set­ting up which was a real com­fort for us with our wed­ding being at our own home grounds rather than at a venue. The band’s Jazz Trio option, who played for us in the after­noon were won­der­ful and played appro­pri­ate and taste­ful music with no direc­tion from us dur­ing our drinks and canape recep­tion. The DJ was on hand all day and was par­tic­u­lar­ly help­ful dur­ing our speech­es by test­ing and hand­ing out the micro­phones that he pro­vid­ed when required. He also helped one of our guests per­form an unplanned per­for­mance of ‘Don’t stop me now’ which was absolute­ly bril­liant. Funk’N’­Soul learnt and played ‘So Amaz­ing’ for the first time for our first dance and it real­ly was ‘So Amaz­ing’! They played two sets, which once again were amaz­ing and soo much fun with no direc­tion or prompt­ing from us, and kept the dance floor full and live­ly all night. The band were very accom­mo­dat­ing to our tim­ings slip­ping dur­ing the day result­ing in them start­ing their first set 2 hours lat­er than planned. The DJ and his assis­tant played until near­ly 4am, play­ing numer­ous song requests and accom­mo­dat­ing an unplanned karaoke ses­sion. The DJ also helped Alan­na lock up the mar­quee etc. once guests left at rough­ly 5am, cer­tain­ly tak­ing cus­tomer ser­vice to anoth­er lev­el. We will cer­tain­ly be book­ing Funk’N’­Soul and their lighting/sound and DJ ser­vice for future events!”
Matthew and Alan­na Lymn Rose (Exec­u­tive Man­ag­er) — Geldards.

“absolutely fantastic singing”

“Just got back from Lee and Kate’s wed­ding where you per­formed tonight. You were bril­liant; absolute­ly fan­tas­tic singing, play­ing and enter­tain­ing. Thank you.”
Rachel Bak­er.

“thought u were pretty cool!”

“You were fab last night at Kate & Lee’s wed­ding! Even my 8 year old daugh­ter thought u were pret­ty cool!”
Karen Hog­ben.

“I could listen to them all day long”

“Amaz­ing band I love to lis­ten to them. I have heard them live. They are an amaz­ing band. I could lis­ten to them all day long.”
Melanie Youman.

“Kept me dancing way beyond what my feet could endure”

“Bril­liant tunes last night at Kate & Lee’s wed­ding. Kept me danc­ing way beyond what my feet could endure. Not just a band but a whole enter­tain­ment pack­age. You signed, sealed and deliv­ered for sure.”
Kris­ten Fisher.


“Well, Funk’N’Soul boys, what can I say except a MASSIVE thank you to you all for such a suc­cess­ful Christ­mas! That has to be the BEST enter­tain­ment that I have expe­ri­enced in 17 years of work­ing in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try. The band’s ener­gy and pro­fes­sion­al­ism is sec­ond to none and each indi­vid­ual mem­ber made the par­ty nights a com­plete suc­cess. Our feed­back is fan­tas­tic and you should be immense­ly proud of this.”
Natal­ie How­son, Events Manager


“Still buzzing after such a good night. A mas­sive well done to Funk’N’Soul – a bril­liant night!”
Liv Hop­kins


“We thought you were absolute­ly superb. Very tight, well rehearsed and a real­ly great sound. I nor­mal­ly hate the Christ­mas par­ty sea­son with all its usu­al Christ­mas songs but you made our night, such a refresh­ing change. Thank you guys”
Rachael Fox.


“Fab­u­lous night and what a band. If you ever get the chance to book Funk’N’Soul’ func­tion band, then do it. They are brilliant!”
Jacqui Lewis, Tamworth.


“Gala night was fan­tas­tic. The band was the best ever, the dance floor was nev­er empty!”
Toni Lewis


“Diverse and zesty, an evening of qual­i­ty enter­tain­ment with Funk’n’Soul. Excel­lent sound tracks and plen­ty to choose from to suit all. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed by us for func­tions and events. Thank you to Dale and the band for being part of our spe­cial day.”
Dar­ren & Jackie


“Superb event and superb band…quality! Would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend you.”
Paul Whar­ton.


“Just like to say a mas­sive thank you for Sat­ur­day night. Absolute­ly bril­liant. We didn’t stop danc­ing all night. We need to come and see you again soon!”
Diane Mans­field


“I would just like to say what a bril­liant night we had on Sat­ur­day. You guys were amazing.”
Tracey Cordell


“Thanks for mak­ing Mike & Lisa’s big day spe­cial. With­out your music the whole day would not have flowed as beau­ti­ful­ly as it did. The musi­cal col­lec­tion (and the way we could choose our favourite tunes) was excel­lent and catered for all the dif­fer­ent tastes on the night. All the guests loved the range of num­bers which were played in a very pro­fes­sion­al man­ner and the night just went too quick­ly. We’d cer­tain­ly rec­om­mend you again to any­one want­i­ng a live band for any style of future event.”
Jon & Cath Baines (from Mike & Lisa’s Wedding)


“Huge thanks to Funk’N’Soul for play­ing at my wed­ding recep­tion. I lost count how many pos­i­tive com­ments we had from our guests includ­ing the mul­ti­ple “Best Wed­ding Band Ever”. It real­ly was top notch!”
Si & Jo


“Believe me when I say its true! You are the icing on the cake and put the class into any ‘do’”
Vic­to­ria Claire


“With­out the band there would be no par­ty! They were bril­liant. Every­one com­ment­ed on the band and I know some­one who will be book­ing them again…”
Natal­ie Priftis


“Thank you so, so much for play­ing at Char­lot­te’s 21st. Funk’N’­Soul were bril­liant! Every thank you let­ter we have received has told us how good you are so it isn’t just we oldies who loved it but the kids as well. We were real­ly impressed by all the work you put in before the event to make sure that every­thing went well and you were play­ing the music that Charley want­ed to hear. She was thrilled by the whole evening and espe­cial­ly enjoyed com­ing up to sing ASL emoti­con with you! I have absolute­ly no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing the band to anyone.”
Car­o­line Green


“I must thank you Dale, Saman­tha and Funk’N’Soul for such an incred­i­ble night. You looked after me and made my wed­ding – just perfect!”
Vic­to­ria-Claire McConachie


“A mas­sive thanks to Funk’n’Soul for pro­vid­ing the fab­u­lous music for my hus­band’s 50th birth­day bash. It was great fun to see all our fam­i­ly and friends togeth­er again. Thanks to Funk and Soul we all had a fan­tas­tic night the music was out of this world, it was great danc­ing to all the music brought back so many mem­o­ries. Thank you guys. We would rec­om­mend your band to every­one for any occasion.”
Janette Lyn


“I have been inun­dat­ed with thanks for organ­is­ing such a won­der­ful band for our par­ty last Sat­ur­day night. Every­one had a thor­ough­ly good evening and we were very impressed with you all. Can you please pass our thanks on to all your guys but the singer has had a spe­cial men­tion, he was fan­tas­tic! It was nice to final­ly meet you too. Thanks again until next year!”
Sarah Elson, Warwickshire.


“Well, what can I say but wow! Thank you for enter­tain­ing a full dance floor all night long. Big thanks Funk’N’Soul, you wowed every­body with the pro­fes­sion­al music, PA and light­ing effects. So many texts and phone calls thank­ing us for a mem­o­rable night – fan­tas­tic, thank you thank you.”
Shirley West


“When Funk’N’Soul start­ed with “Pick Up the Pieces” my jaw dropped and I could­n’t find it for the remain­der of the per­for­mance! It’s great to see a band where the instru­ments are not in the way, instead they com­ple­ment the musi­cians. Vocal was out­stand­ing too… from Prince to Brown… and with such ener­gy. Phe­nom­e­nal! It was a plea­sure being in the audi­ence. Thank you.”
Marcin Gwozdz


“Thank you for per­form­ing at Stan­ford Hall for our wed­ding. You def­i­nite­ly kept peo­ple going all night. A num­ber of our guests have asked us for your details so you clear­ly impressed every­one! Thank you for also play­ing ‘Mid­night Train To Geor­gia’. You made our cel­e­bra­tion par­ty very spe­cial indeed… thank you!”
Don­na & Ed Hunt


“Absolute­ly rec­om­mend! I’ve heard the band for over four years and the wide gen­res cov­ered, the music and trib­ute acts are so pro­fes­sion­al. The tal­ent­ed musi­cians deserve every pen­ny and more. There’s noth­ing like a live band and these guys are Tip Top!”
Sarah Dent, Rugby.

Hir­ing the ‘Funk ‘N’ Soul’ com­plete pack­age is a great way to save mon­ey, time and stress at your event, avoid­ing the need for mul­ti­ple sound sys­tems, onsite tech­ni­cians and addi­tion­al per­for­mance acts!

For more infor­ma­tion or to guar­an­tee ‘Funk ‘N’ Soul’ for your next event call Tel: 07949 916 693 or email: [email protected]