Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


This Is Us!

23rd February 2020

We hope you’re all hav­ing a won­der­ful week­end.
Dale & I thought we’d intro­duce our­selves.
It’s nice to see who’s on the oth­er end of the phone and emails when dis­cussing your enter­tain­ment require­ments. We’re always avail­able to respond with answers to your ques­tions.
We pride our­selves on pro­vid­ing our cus­tomers with bespoke enter­tain­ment pack­ages.
Here’s some FAQ:
[email protected]
#Hap­py­Sun­day #hap­py­week­ende­v­ery­one #band­lead­ers #man­age­ment #events­man­age­ment #live­mu­si­cians #liveshow #pro­fes­sion­al­mu­si­cian
#lux­u­ry­ho­telsworld #live­band­show #djpar­ty
#wed­ding #birth­day­girl #cor­po­ra­teeven­ten­ter­tain­ment