Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals



9th January 2019

Thanks Kirsty and Andrew.

The plea­sure was all ours.

“Hi Sam, We would just like to say the biggest thanks, the evening went so well, every­one was buzzing! What a night we all had on Sat­ur­day! The band made our night so spe­cial for us and Dale and the band made that pos­si­ble. We knew you were fan­tas­tic but you on the night you lit up the sky and every­one thought the Band was amaz­ing. Your help and advice sort­ing the stage in the lead up to our wed­ding was excep­tion­al, you were so help­ful, accom­mo­dat­ing and reas­sur­ing when we had a ques­tion or query.

Please pass on our sin­cere thanks to Dale and all the band who are all so gift­ed / tal­ent­ed, and so much fun! They absolute­ly made our wed­ding day one night that we will nev­er ever for­get! The dance floor was nev­er emp­ty, Dee and Mel were incred­i­ble so much charis­ma and sim­ply Amazing!
Thanks for mak­ing it such a spe­cial night for us fam­i­ly and our friends — you blew us away ! We will absolute­ly be rec­om­mend­ing you to any­one and every­one (!) and would­n’t hes­i­tate to sing your praises
Best Wish­es Andrew and Kirsty”


[email protected]

#Tes­ti­mo­ni­al #5star #Review #ThankY­ou