Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Weddings .. the complete solution!

30th August 2017

Funk’N’Soul, pro­vide a ful­ly tai­lored set list of most, or indeed, all of your favourite songs.

Funk’N’­Soul, have over FIVE THOUSAND songs so all you need wor­ry about is what you want to hear on the night. Of course there is noth­ing more mem­o­rable and enchant­i­ng than hav­ing your first song played by some top class pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians. Your guests will be amazed!

Typ­i­cal­ly you can expect your musi­cians to play either two 45 minute sets, two 1 hour sets or a long 1 and a half hour set. But to get great val­ue for mon­ey why not have two one hour sets?

If your wed­ding pack­age does not include a disc jock­ey, don’t wor­ry! Funk’N’Soul, has the facil­i­ty to pro­vide a ful­ly pro­fes­sion­al sound/lighting engi­neer who pro­vides a DJ ser­vice. This can be includ­ed in the quote pro­vid­ed. Alter­na­tive­ly pre-record­ed music can be played dur­ing breaks and through­out the night.

Often a Bride & Grooms’ worst night­mare is, dur­ing the bands first few songs, that there may not be a lot of peo­ple danc­ing. Don’t wor­ry about that, they have just eat­en (in need of a few more drinks!!), so it may be a good idea to think about start­ing times for your musi­cians. The Band will soon get you all boo­gieing the night away… You won’t want to sit down or the night to end! That’s a promise.

We expect to be work­ing until any­where between mid­night and one a.m.

Your musi­cians will under­stand that speech­es often run over time so will be com­plete­ly flex­i­ble with how your day is flowing.

Final­ly. Some­thing else worth bear­ing in mind is that your musi­cians will be at your wed­ding venue for quite some time as they have to set up and sound check pri­or to your reception.

Most bands expect to set up any­where between four and six o’clock. If they are there until midnight/one a.m. then they are going to get hun­gry and thirsty. Noth­ing pleas­es musi­cians more than being invit­ed to use an evening buf­fet and hav­ing a cou­ple of soft drinks through­out the evening.

Reli­a­bil­i­ty and qual­i­ty of per­for­mance are the two attrib­ut­es that are essen­tial for headache-free, suc­cess­ful music at a wedding.

If you go for cheap, you are like­ly to sac­ri­fice either or both of the above!

A pro­fes­sion­al musi­cian will expect to take home £120 — 150 for an engage­ment. On top of that there are equip­ment hire and trav­el costs, along with pub­lic­i­ty, adver­tis­ing, insur­ance and agency costs should you choose not to book directly.

*Be aware, Book­ing Agents often charge 15% — 30% on top of the bands fee. The musi­cians do not receive a pen­ny of this admin fee.

Right, down to busi­ness… As a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay £200 — 250 for a solo per­for­mance, £300 — 500 for a duo, £450 — 625 for a trio. A four to six-piece band starts at approx­i­mate­ly £800.

Depend­ing on the ver­sa­til­i­ty and pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the musi­cians, the price increas­es to £1000 — £2000. Larg­er bands cost pro­por­tion­ate­ly more.

Funk’N’Soul, are a high­ly expe­ri­enced 9 piece wed­ding func­tion band and will con­sid­er reduc­ing the price depend­ing on orig­i­nal quote pro­vid­ed, require­ments and mileage.  As a bonus to our clients. If you require a 3 or 4 piece jazz set dur­ing your day as back­ground music for your guests, just ask, it will be cheap­er and more con­ve­nient for you to use the musi­cians booked as they can arrive ear­li­er and know they are there for the day.

Please expect to pay a deposit of any­where between 20 — 25% as this will guar­an­tee the book­ing and the date.

Please be wary of ama­teur or semi pro­fes­sion­al bands, you will NOT get the qual­i­ty or stan­dard of musi­cians as those who live and breathe music professionally.

We hope we have been able to assist you in mak­ing your Wed­ding Day enter­tain­ment deci­sion an informed one and wish­ing you both an amaz­ing­ly suc­cess­ful day and a won­der­ful future together.


Funk’N’Soul! x