Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Wow, What A Summer!

4th October 2015

Wow, What A Sum­mer! — Blog -
Well, it sure has been an exu­ber­ant­ly intense, roller­coast­er of a ride. Many a fan­tas­tic occa­sion con­quered cur­rent­ly cas­cad­ing through mem­o­ry lane. The Tes­ti­mo­ni­als are in and the Funk’N’Soul, gang are very hum­bled by all of your won­der­ful heart felt words of thanks and appreciation.
The band mem­bers love what they do for a liv­ing and look for­ward to each and every smile look­ing back at them appre­ci­at­ing their groove.
We cer­tain­ly have to men­tion some of our favorites…
First­ly though, we would like to thank our phe­nom­e­nal musi­cians and singers not to men­tion our light and sound engi­neer who works tire­less­ly in order to pro­vide the high stan­dard we do. With­out these high­ly tal­ent­ed and respect­ful­ly regard­ed col­leagues, we would be nowhere.
So with­out fur­ther ado. Sit back with a bev­er­age of choice and enjoy the ride of a road­ie with the bands news..
Funk’N’Soul, are proud to announce that £2,160 was the total amount raised for The Crit­i­cal Care Unit Good Hope Hospital.
Funk'N'Soul Party Band Derbyshire UK
It was a com­plete sell out of 300 tick­ets with­in a month of being avail­able and the band were inun­dat­ed with thanks and future gig requests for wed­dings and birth­day sur­pris­es. Sor­ry if we’re already booked out for yours!
Most def­i­nite­ly a mem­o­rable time was had by all and all for a great cause. The tes­ti­mo­ni­als and enquiries were vast and the dance floor was almost reduced to sawdust.
Then a 40th birth­day cel­e­bra­tion tipped the scales in Hinck­ley. The Birth­day Boy per­formed a treat on gui­tar – ‘Play That Funky Music’ with the band and was the star of the show. The dance floor was full of fan­cy dress char­ac­ters with masks and props. It was hilar­i­ous. Great to see some famil­iar faces from pre­vi­ous gigs.
Thank you for your con­tin­u­ing rec­om­men­da­tions. The band wouldn’t be as suc­cess­ful with­out your word of mouth.Funk'N'Soul 40th Birthday
Hat­ton Park, War­wick­shire was anoth­er tru­ly mem­o­rable Wed­ding func­tion. Filled to the rafters with singers, per­form­ers, artists and fel­low musi­cians as well as a stun­ning bride and hand­some groom. Boy, what an occa­sion this was. No pres­sure Ha,ha!
There were also sur­prise per­for­mances enjoyed by all and despite the exces­sive heat from a beau­ti­ful summer’s day guests kept danc­ing. The Moth­er of the Bride kicked off her shoes at the end of the first tune, ‘Pick Up The Pieces’ – Aver­age White Band. She didn’t stop danc­ing all night long.
It was a.. ‘Nice Day For A White Wedding..’
It’s occa­sions like these where the tes­ti­mo­ni­als real­ly come into play (no pun intend­ed). It was such a priv­i­lege to receive feed­back from the Groom as he was approached by many and over­heard guests say­ing that the wed­ding band are the best they have seen. – Com­ing from those in the busi­ness is an true honour.Funk'N'Soul Coventry, West Midlands
Next up was a local gig for some of the band mem­bers. None oth­er than a Fan­tas­tic 30th Birth­day Bash held at The Albany Club, Earls­don in Coven­try. This was a real stonker of a night great func­tion room. Many sur­pris­es were had and a love­ly mix of young and old par­tied the night away. We received such a demand to play over time that the pack­ing up of equip­ment was required the next day. The venue staff have homes to go to too.. Lol.
Above and Beyond… That’s Us!

Funk'N'Soul Derbyshire Wedding

A few weeks lat­er it was the won­der­ful cel­e­bra­tion of a beau­ti­ful wed­ding cou­ple in the Der­byshire coun­try­side. A stun­ning set­ting for a Teepee Wed­ding. This was an ULTRA spe­cial occa­sion as the Bride and Groom request­ed an 11 Piece Band – 6 Horns!! Got­ta be up there with the best of gigs.
To hear the set lists played as tight­ly as they were on the record is a mere for­mal­i­ty for the Funk’N’Soul, musi­cians but to have 6 brass.. Wow.. ‘Euphor­ic’ to sum it up with one word. Need­less to say the hap­py cou­ple were astound­ed and their guests were fight­ing for space on the dance floor. Must just men­tion all the cheeky bal­loon hats that were doing the rounds. Ice break­ers to say the least. All cred­it to the Bal­loon Man he had some extreme­ly bizarre requests.

Funk'N'Soul Teepee Wedding Derbyshire UKNow the Sum­mer has come to an end and the Autumn win­ter leaves are turn­ing. We end with a tru­ly unique occa­sion which can’t wait for the next blog..
The Annu­al Autumn Ball, for a high­ly regard­ed Law firm took place at the stun­ning mar­quee on the grounds of the Der­byshire Coun­ty Crick­et Club.
The usu­al 8 piece band in their din­ner suits had a beau­ti­ful twist in the form of our extra band mem­ber (female vocal­ist, when required) which com­pli­ment­ed the evening as the guests attire was like some­thing out of Ascot. The staff and venue are out­stand­ing and the food was out of this world. Despite their full bel­lies this large par­ty spilled out onto the dance floor instant­ly, only tem­porar­i­ly stop­ping, to quote Bruno Mars, to ‘take a sip’ before return­ing to strut their funky moves! It was won­der­ful to receive a book­ing, a few enquiries and some fan­tas­tic feed­back from the guests and staff at the venue. Funk’N’Soul Func­tion Band, couldn’t have asked for a bet­ter sum­mer. The peo­ple we have met and per­formed for have been tremen­dous. Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you all again soon.
Before we go.. We hes­i­tate to men­tion ‘Christ­mas’ as some of you aren’t pre­pared to go there yet. Lol.
How­ev­er, the band are per­form­ing every Fri­day and Sat­ur­day night in Decem­ber 2015 atDer­byshire­Crick­et­ClubChrist­mas­Par­ties

Funk'N'Soul Christmas Parties 2015

Incred­i­ble Christ­mas Venue

Funk'N'Soul Christmas Parties 2015

Stun­ning Chris­tams Venue

Get in fast if you would like to cel­e­brate in style and lux­u­ry with a fab­u­lous live band and res­i­dent DJ.
Some dates have already sold out.
This is going to be a Christ­mas to remem­ber. Call to book your place. 01332 388105


Love F’N’S x