Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Our Band Leader Dale Gibson

20th March 2023

Funk’N’­Soul Func­tion Band would not be with­out our Leader of the Pack!

Here’s what you might be inter­est­ed to know about Dale.

Bio: I am a high­ly skilled and com­pe­tent read­ing musi­cian and large band leader.
I have over 200 pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians and vocal­ists on my books and hold over 5000 musi­cal arrange­ments which are expert­ly writ­ten to pre­ci­sion as the orig­i­nals, vary­ing in gen­res span­ning 8 decades of music.
I fre­quent­ly tour with the UK’s num­ber 1 show Lost In Music cov­er­ing Earth, Wind and Fire, Don­na Sum­mer, Chic etc.
For the past 18 years I have held the lead trom­bone chair with the Glenn Miller Orches­tra UK
and The Joe Loss Orches­tra.

I have been a pro­fes­sion­al lead Trom­bone play­er for 30 years. In this time I have worked all over the world and have played with The Drifters, Bud­dy Gre­co, Mick­ley Dolenz from The Mon­kees among oth­ers.
In the late 90s I toured with Fame the Musi­cal which cov­ered a stint in the West End.
I also play with a well known Blues Broth­ers trib­ute show and have worked with many Elvis trib­utes includ­ing Lib­er­ty Moun­ten and Rob Kings­ley. My sight read­ing is excel­lent and I will have no prob­lems with most requests. If I am unfa­mil­iar at all I will learn what’s required.

I also man­age my 8–17 piece Funk’N’­Soul Func­tion Band.
Typ­i­cal­ly pro­vid­ing full enter­tain­ment pack­ages to high end clients who have a keen ear and high expec­ta­tions.
Myself and my wife Saman­tha pro­vide our clients with an excel­lent and reli­able ser­vice as if they are the only one. It’s imper­a­tive to me and my team that our clients are 100% hap­py. Retain­ing an impec­ca­ble rep­u­ta­tion and repeat book­ings for over 12yrs.
My cor­po­rate, wed­dings, con­certs, events and func­tions band are out­stand­ing and high­ly ener­getic! Per­fect for those spe­cial occa­sions and trib­ute the­atre tours where only the best will do! Funk’N’­Soul, are made up of the finest hand picked read­ing musi­cians. The band are also com­pli­ment­ed by a ded­i­cat­ed light­ing and sound engi­neer team with DJ ser­vice pro­vid­ed if required?
The band trav­el through­out the UK and inter­na­tion­al­ly. They formed in 2008. How­ev­er, have reg­u­lar­ly worked togeth­er for many years per­fect­ing their crafts on var­i­ous engage­ments with oth­er orches­tras, bands and ensem­bles at some high­ly pres­ti­gious venues. We don’t like to name drop but.. some of our band mem­bers have worked along­side the likes of Jamiro­quai, Prince, Gary Bar­low, Take That, Shirley Bassey, The Temp­ta­tions, Four Tops, The Spe­cials, The Drifters and The Styl­is­tics to name a few.
Feel free to enquire for your next event. They con­sid­er nowhere too far to enter­tain their clients.