Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding

7th July 2023

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Saman­tha and Dan­ny. What a Cel­e­bra­tion. Thank you for hav­ing us. #wed­ding #wed­ding­par­ty #wed­ding­band #bride­and­groom #live #live­mu­sic #wed­dingcel­e­bra­tion

Always love­ly to hear such won­der­ful feed­back from our fab­u­lous cus­tomers. The band had a fab­u­lous time. Here’s to a life­time of love,  laugh­ter and happiness.

Thanks for mak­ing us all feel soo wel­come and we hope to see you again soon.