Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Maggie’s Cancer Charity Snow Ball

3rd December 2021

Fan­cy an incred­i­ble night out? Queen Eliz­a­beth Hall, Oldham
Only a few tick­ets left..

Last Chance. #old­ham #can­cer­char­i­ty #liv­ing­with­cancer
Maggie’s Snow Ball

Fri­day 3rd Decem­ber, 7pm
Queen Eliz­a­beth Hall – Oldham

Deli­cious 3 course meal and live entertainment

Rock Choir
Elec­tric vio­lin­ist, Yulia Shah
9 piece live band, Funk’N’Soul’
Live DJ

7pm Drinks reception
8pm Din­ner is served
1am Carriages

Dress code: Black Tie, with a side of ski if you fancy!

Tick­ets £45, or £425 for a table of 10.
For tick­ets, or infor­ma­tion, con­tact Laura:
[email protected]
0161 989 0550 / 07584 518 266

Maggie's Snow Ball