Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


I Said Yess!!

15th February 2020

Valen­tines Day reflec­tions. ???
“Did You Say YES this Valen­tines?“
Many Con­grat­u­la­tions
Have you booked a date?
Get in touch to learn how #FunkN­Soul will make your wed­ding cel­e­bra­tions out of this world!
Full Enter­tain­ment Pack­ages avail­able to suit all require­ments.
Email: [email protected]
#Valen­tine #Engaged #Isaidyes #loveisintheair #wed­din­gen­ter­tain­ment #live­mu­sic #Dis­co #Funk #Soul #Motown #Jazz #pop­mu­sic #DjSer­vice #ful­len­ter­tain­ment­pack­ages #cor­po­ra­teevents #par­ty

Con­grat­u­la­tions from Funk’N’Soul