Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Happy Birthday!

21st February 2020

Well, here we are again..
It’s The Week­end!
Time To Par­ty with ‘Funk’N’­Soul’
Near­ly the end of Feb­ru­ary already?!
Hap­py Birth­day to our Events Man­ag­er Saman­tha
Enjoy danc­ing the week­end away.
Thanks for assist­ing the band to reach 10yrs.
#life­cel­e­bra­tions #cel­e­brate­in­style #birth­day­par­ty #lovelife
#love #insta­good
#enter­tain­mentin­dus­try #musicin­dus­try #wed­din­gen­ter­tain­ment #per­formwith­pre­ci­sion #first­class­mu­si­cians #show­time #live­mu­sicband #lux­u­ryevents­group #end­of­feb­ru­ary

Let’s Par­ty!