Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


When Only The Best Will Do!

9th February 2019

It’s the week­end, it’s time to Party! ?
Are you look­ing to book a fab­u­lous func­tion band for your 2019/2020 spe­cial occa­sion? Need a DJ too?

No prob­lem. Ask about our full enter­tain­ment pack­ages includ­ing wel­come drinks Jazz sets available.

Con­tact us today to secure your date!????
[email protected]
#Events #Cor­po­ra­teEvents #Unit­ed­king­dom #Wed­ding­Bands #Par­ty­Band #Der­byshire #Lon­don #Man­ches­ter #Birm­ing­ham #York­shire #oxford­shire
#West­Mid­lands #Live­Band #LiveEn­ter­tain­ment #Cor­po­ra­teEn­ter­tain­ment #Pro­fes­sion­al­Mu­si­cians #FunkN­Soul #func­tion­band #band #black­tieball #din­ner­dance #funkband #soul­band #Motown­band #live­mu­sic #wed­ding­plan­ner #even­t­ex­perts #lux­u­ry #hote­len­ter­tain­ment #birth­day­par­ty