Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Watch “Needle In A Haystack- Velvelettes By Funk’N’Soul” on YouTube

9th July 2018

Nee­dle In A Haystack

Wowza!!! What a night we had on Sat­ur­day in the beau­ti­ful­ly stun­ning Stafford­shire coun­try­side. There was a delight­ful mar­quee beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed & the ladies looked a treat in their pret­ty dress­es. They were treat­ed like celebri­ties hav­ing their hair styled & make up applied. Ready To Go! — The Sina­tra Swing Singer with Quar­tet kicked off and it was fab­u­lous! It set the mood for an utter­ly out­stand­ing evening to remem­ber for Jane & John’s joint 60th Birth­day cel­e­bra­tions. The guests were incred­i­bly fun & up for a stonk­ing night of singing & strut­ting their funky stuff! The bev­er­age & cater­ing com­pa­ny kept every­one topped up in the glo­ri­ous sum­mer sun­shine and left the rest to #FunkN­Soul.
We per­son­al­ly want to thank Lau­ra, the Daugh­ter & organ­is­er of this tremen­dous event. She real­ly did her par­ents proud. The band & crew were soo looked after & made to feel so very wel­come. We felt part of the fam­i­ly. Fur­ther­more, we must thank our singers who blew us away with their beau­ti­ful voic­es & dance moves. the musi­cians who con­tin­ue to amaze us with their tal­ents & Alex, from Sound­time our ded­i­cat­ed Lights/Sound engi­neer. Awe­some job!
Hope to see you all again very soon. F’N’S ❤️?????