Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Watch “Get Ready — The Temptations By Funk’N’Soul Function Band” on YouTube

29th July 2018


How was your week­end?⭐ It’s been much cool­er recent­ly & our gar­dens have had a drink. ?
We’re heat­ing things up by shar­ing some of our recent #YouTube #Videos ?
Please help us to spread the band’s tal­ent. #Share
? ?
#welove­whatwe­do #Par­ty #Birth­day #wed­ding #cor­po­ra­teevents #cor­po­ra­teen­ter­tain­nent #danc­ing­shoes #even­t­ex­perts #DJSer­vice #par­ty­with­us #live­mu­sic #live­band #live­mu­sicv­enue #wed­ding­ex­perts #stag­ing #sup­pli­ers #lightin­gengi­neer #soundengi­neer #par­ty­mu­sic

‘Get Ready — Cause Here ‘We Come’