Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Funky Tight Band UK

30th May 2018

Bank Hol­i­day blues? Not Us!
“Music: ON ?
World: OFF” ?
Wish­ing our beau­ti­ful & very tal­ent­ed singer De, a won­der­ful birthday. ???
Organ­is­ing a Wed­ding, Birth­day, Cor­po­rate func­tion or a spe­cial event?
Need a band and DJ package?
You’re in the right place ⏬
Con­tact Funk’N’­Soul, today!
[email protected]

#FunkN­Soul #Wed­ding #Birth­day #Cor­po­ra­teevents #par­ty #week­end #Christ­mas #Christ­mas­Par­ties #annualevents #live­mu­sic #live­band #Funky #tight #horns #Brass #Brass­band
#Anniver­sary #Live­band #live­mu­sicv­enue #Lux­u­ry #Hotels #Wed­dingV­enues #Wed­ding­plan­ner #Wed­din­gOr­gan­is­er #danc­ing­shoes #par­ty­with­us