Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


10% Off Your 2019 Booking! 2018 prices ‘Funk’N’Soul’

20th October 2018

SAVE 10% ON YOUR 2019 BOOKING! Quote: FNS2019
* Book/Deposit by 31st Decem­ber 2018 to qual­i­fy. T&C apply.
[email protected]
Full enter­tain­ment pack­ages avail­able to suit.
Typ­i­cal­ly con­sists of: 8–17 piece func­tion band — x2 1hour sets
— Male & Female vocal­ists available -
Com­pli­ment­ed with Light­ing and Sound engi­neer includ­ing DJ service.
* Pro­vid­ing you with the peace of mind that your enter­tain­ment is com­plete­ly tak­en care of. ??❤??????
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