Funk 'N' Soul

Live Music Entertainment Professionals


Dementia Charity Bash

16th February 2016


Feb­ru­ary 2016 Kicked off with the incred­i­ble Funk’N’­Soul Func­tion Band, who per­formed as a stonk­ing 12 piece band with guest appear­ance from Jake & Elwood Blues, The Blues Broth­ers. Coven­try, did­n’t know what hitit when these guys rolled up in their Patrol Car and this tight out­fit of a band with 6 piece horn section!
Some of the musi­cians hav­ing per­formed togeth­er with Jake & Elwood before knew what was in store. How­ev­er, Sports Con­neX­ion in Ryton, War­wick­shire and those priv­i­leged atten­dees were all open mouthed and could­n’t stay off the dance floor!The roof almost lift­ed as the musi­cians worked their skill­ful mag­ic effortlessly.All the old favourites were per­formed.. ‘Peter Gun’, ‘Every­body Needs Some­body’, ‘Sweet Home Chica­go’, ‘Soul Man’ and ‘Do You Love Me?’ plus many more with per­fec­tion and pre­ci­sion just like the orig­i­nal sound­track in the Blues Broth­ers Movie. That’s how good these guys are. What’s just as ben­e­fi­cial to strut­ting your stuff on the dance floor is that £1,200 was raised to help Age UK Coven­try for their Demen­tia Ser­vices in the com­mu­ni­ty. Tru­ly Splendid!


One beau­ti­ful crisp day in Jan­u­ary 2016, the band’s Sax play­er Pel, mar­ried his long term girl­friend Sal. They had an amaz­ing­ly roman­tic cel­e­bra­tion as it began to snow! The pho­tographs were very pic­turesque. The bands light & sound engi­neer arrived in the morn­ing to set up in the Mar­quee at The Ros­ey­combe in Coven­try. The LED dance floor was incred­i­ble and the table dec­o­ra­tions just so. The Bride & Groom joined their guests and to the Bride’s delight as a sur­prise, the band played their favourite song for their first dance. ‘You’ve Made Me’ Blood Sweat and Tears’. The chil­dren played a mas­sive part at the recep­tion. They had been prac­tic­ing their dance rou­tine which went down a storm. Lots of proud faces in the audi­ence. They almost stole the show until the adults (inspired by the chil­dren I’m sure) kicked off their shoes to strut their funky stuff into the ear­ly hours.